Friday, June 7, 2013


Okay I am probably the worst at being healthy and anything that has to do with fitness, but recently I have been trying to start and change my ways. Here's what I have been doing to stay healthy this summer and what I hope to continue doing. Plus, here are a few ideas on ways to stay healthy that I will hopefully try soon!

Breakfast: I have been loving to eat a banana and peanut butter, yogurt and some almonds for breakfast. This sounds like a lot, but honestly it keeps me full for a super long time. Enough to wait for lunch later! It also is super good for you! The banana provides potassium and keeps you full for long, the peanut butter gives protein, the yogurt gives you calcium and the almonds give you more protein! It is really delicious and keeps me full!

Lunch: I have been pretty bad about going out to eat lately, because I've been doing it constantly. But, there are still ways to cut back on the bad stuff while eating out. Many menus lately have the nutrition facts right on it so you should definitely check that out before you eat something.

Dinner: If I'm eating at home, my dinner is usually pretty balanced. It usually consists of some sort of meat/fish/poultry and a vegetable and then usually something else. But, with summer here and everyone running about, be sure that you attempt to eat a balanced dinner so that you aren't starving and eating a bunch of junk later! Also, if you can have family meals! Family meals are way better for a kid, if you remember those ABC Family commercials about eating at the family table, and they give you a chance to converse with your family and talk about your day.

1. Stick with water! Soda/Pop, although I drink it so much, is so terrible for your health and your teeth. I've definitely been trying to cut back on my soda/pop intake. But everything in moderation.
2. Everything in moderation. This rule is so hard for me to follow because I absolutely love sweets. But, in all honesty, if you just eat one cookie, you can be satisfied. You don't need 20 cookies! This is a rule that I've been trying to abide by recently, but it's very difficult. So, don't give up!
3. Stay safe! Never diet to the extreme. Dieting to me is really never an effective way to be healthy. Being healthy isn't about being skinny and having "the perfect body". Being healthy is about feeling good inside and out. By putting in what your body needs so it gives you energy out!

I feel like also if I've been eating healthy I'm a lot more energized and, honestly, I'm more happy! If y'all are looking for some workouts here are some of my ideas.

1. ABS-These are a big thing for me in the summer to have a flat stomach. Usually I do crunches, bicycles, planks, etc.
2. TONED ARMS-Push ups, arm circles, pull ups, etc.
3. LEGS-Leg lifts, leg circles, middle splits while laying on your back and just keep bringing your legs up and down, leg lifts while flat back--works your legs and your tummy.

Hope you enjoy this post about fitness! Here are some pins to pinspire you to get fit and healthy for this summer. But, keep in mind. Being fit is NOT just being skinny! While I think that maintaining a steady and healthy weight is important, it is not important to be stick skinny at all! Being fit is being healthy and as long as you feel beautiful, healthy, energized and confident, you are!

P.S. Vlog/Haul Video coming soon!!!

XOXO, Katelyn

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