Saturday, July 13, 2013

Shopping Tips

Hello everyone! Today I wanted to share with you some of my shopping tips! I know that not everyone out there is a good shopper, but fear not! With these helpful tips you can improve your shopping experience! I don't mean that someone is a bad shopper, but some people just don't have a very good experience with shopping. So I'm here to share with you a few ways to have a positive shopping trip!

1. First things first, don't be picky, but don't be an impulse buyer. 
Being picky while shopping is an issue that many people have, myself included. I used to be extremely picky when shopping, so I never ended up buying something. Then later I would wish I had bought some of the things that I saw when shopping. My main tip is do not be picky! Try a lot of different things on, event things you may not think you like. This will help you to have a lot of options when shopping. Often I'll go into the dressing room with 10 different things and find out that only two of them suit me well. Although you shouldn't be picky, make sure you are not being an impulsive buyer. If you see something, don't just go right ahead and buy it! Unless it's something you absolutely know you'll love, be sure to take a look around the rest of the store to see if there's anything that exceeds that certain product. If you're absolutely certain that you want it, then go ahead and buy it!

2. Next, be sure to prepare for your shopping trip.
Nothings worse than going shopping with little money to spend. Be sure to have saved up enough money for your shopping trip. This will come in handy when you find something that you absolutely love, but it's a little pricey. Also, go through your closet and use these tips. If you're looking in your closet is there anything that doesn't fit? Anything you  can't remember having worn recently? Those go to the charity pile. Also use this as some words of wisdom while cleaning out your closet: If you were in a store right now and saw this article of clothing, would you buy it? If you answered yes, keep it. If you answered no, give it away. Go through your closet before you shop so you know what you should be looking for. Also, coupons may come in handy when shopping! Do a little bit of research to finding coupons suitable for your shopping trip. The more coupons the better!

3. Also, be sure to pick a compatible shopping buddy. 
When looking for someone to shop with, go with someone who has similar taste in clothes to you so that you'll want to hit the majority of the same stores. I tend to always go shopping with my friend Paige because we have very similar styles, and we know our shopping routine. Plus, she is not a picky shopper at all so it helps me to be less picky when we're shopping. Surrounding yourself with someone who will be honest about what looks good on you when you're shopping is super helpful so be sure to find someone that will do that for you! 

4. Always look for good sales!
I always feel much more accomplished when I buy something high quality for dirt cheap. Check out the sale rack for "last season's" clothes, so you can get great deals! The reason why I put quotes around "last season's" is because to me last season to the store, isn't really last season for me. A lot of the clothes in the sale are usually still on trend. Plus if you have a sale, plus a coupon. Man you're saving some money there! And what can that money buy you? More clothes! Haha!

5. My last tip is to mentally create an outfit using that item of clothing.
Often when I'm shopping I'll take the article of clothing and visualize a look with that piece. If you can't do that while in the store, chances are you're not going to be able to create one once you get home. Also, think about how many ways you'll be able to wear the piece. The more the better, that way you know you'll get a lot of wear out of the piece. And finally, take a little advice from Leigh Anne Tuohy, think "Is this me?". She also says, "If you don't like it in the store, you're not going to like it when you get home". These quotes are so true because you really need to imagine yourself in the outfit and really like it in the store for you to like it later on. 

I hope these shopping tips help you on your next shopping excursion and leave a comment below your favorite shopping tips!

xoxo, Katelyn

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