Thursday, May 23, 2013

Survive Finals!

Since Summer is approaching, yet there are still many things to do before it, I thought I'd write about how to survive finals. I'm definitely not the most knowledgable about finals since I'm just a freshman in high school, but still I wanted to share with you the things I do to better prepare myself for finals.

1. Figure out your needed score!

Before even attempting to tackle studying for finals I always check what score I need on the final to get a desired grade in a class. This website is especially helpful!

2. Notecards, notecards and more notecards!

Honestly, notecards are the way to go! They are so helpful because anyone can quiz you and you can transport them too! They are time consuming, and they are in huge stacks, but they are worth the time and effort!

3. Get help!

If you're truly not understanding something in a class, ask your teacher for help! They will be more than happy to help. Also, what good is it going to do you if you don't understand a topic and it shows up on the final, #screwed!

4. Find a study space!

Is it easier for you to study with friends or alone? Quiet or with music? Figure out what works best for you and what will help you the most. Also, be sure if you study with friends that they are on the same level as you. You don't want to be teaching your buddy everything, but you also don't want to be confused by a too smart group.

5. Relax!

Take frequent breaks so that your brain can stay focused. Be sure that you aren't wasting time just lying there doing nothing while studying. If you feel like you need a break, take one! But, don't take super long of breaks where you can easily get distracted and give up on studying. 

6. Work over time!

Don't try to cram everything into your head the night before as this will not be effective. Gradually learn the material over time to be sure that you take in all the material. 

7. Comprehend!

When studying make sure that you don't just study specific problems, make sure you understand the material as a whole. It will do you no good if you study specific problems rather than the logic behind them because the specific questions that you study are not guaranteed to be on the final.

8. Stress, but don't over stress! 

Make sure that you stress enough to get all of your work done, but don't be stressing out to a breaking point. You don't want to go into the final all freaked out by anxiety! You want to be stressed enough, but if you over stress you will have testing anxiety and this will not allow you to perform your best on the final. 

9. Be comfy, but professional on testing day!

I know that fashion is the least of everyone's worries on testing day, but make sure that you wear something that you'll be able to focus in. Don't wear something uncomfortable that you'll be pulling and tugging at the whole time, but don't wear pajamas that will make you fall asleep. Be comfortable, but also realistic with your fashion choices. 

10. Come prepared!

Always show up ready to take a test! Make sure you have 2 #2 pencils ready and sharpened, plus a calculator if you need one. Also bring any other supplies that you'll need to properly take your test. Be sure to eat a balanced and filling breakfast before your test and get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before.

I hope these tips help you to get through your finals, because I know I'm stressing like cray cray! I hope that you all get A's on your finals, and that I do too! Before I end this post I want to give some inspirational quotes to help you make it through finals week!

"Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail."
-John Wooden

"If success seems unlikely, that should be your reason to push even harder."

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"
-Audrey Hepburn

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."
-Jimmy Dean

XOXO, Kate

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