Monday, August 26, 2013

Black & White

So for some reason I've been on a sort of Pinterest lull. I really have not been pinning anything recently and I'm not quite sure why. I think in the summer I had a lot of free time where I would just be pinning all the time on my phone. But now that I'm back in school, I haven't had much time to pin anything. I'm not saying I should get back on track to pinning because it definitely wastes time, but I think that for the blogs sake, it is good to pin because I've been feeling a little uninspired recently. 

So anyway, getting back into the swing of things {involving Pinterest} I thought I'd show you some of my favorite black and white photo pins. I was pretty inspired when I first started pinning and I saw Frannie had a black and white photo board. So I kind of copied her...ha ha. Okay so anyway, here are my favorite black and white photo pins. 


1 comment:

  1. Oh now I want to start a black and white board! haha Those photos are gorg!



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