Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Faves

I have basically given up on Flirty Friday's because I don't really like making Polyvore's anymore. I used to be so into them, but for some reason now I don't feel that much of a thrill putting those outfits together. So instead I thought of a new theme for Friday faves!  I just wanted to share with you some of the things I've been loving whether it's clothes, a store, music, anything! Today I'll be posting a new favorite quote of mine. Keep in mind some of the authors are not noted {when I post quotes} because I either made it up myself or didn't write down the author. 

So to end the week on a positive note here is a quote that I actually wrote myself!

I don't really now how I came up with this quote, but always find myself reminding myself of it. What's cool about it is that it can be used in good or bad situations.

If I'm in a bad position {usually if I'm bored during a class in school} I think to myself, "Time does nothing but pass. I will not be stuck here forever." 

But also this quote may be used in a good situation. Whenever I'm having a lot of fun I think to myself, "Time does nothing but pass, so I better live up this moment right now and have a ton of fun."

Hope you guys like my original quote! And comment below if you want to see more quotes featured on this blog!

What are your favorite quotes?


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